User name: Ahrorjon Abdumanonov Adxamjonovich
Institution: Central Asian Medical University
H-Index: 6
H-Index in last 5 years: 45
Citations: 128
Citations in last 5 years: 45
i10-Index: 1
i10-Index in last 5 years: 1
Research fields: медицинские информационный системы программирование
User name: Abdumanonov, A. A.
H-Index: 2
Citations: 9
Publications: 6
Co-authors: 9
CitedBy: 9
Research fields: Physics and Astronomy Materials Science Engineering
User name: Akhrorjon Mr. Abdumanonov
Institution: head of the department at Fergana Public Health Institute
H-Index: 2
Citations: 12
Publications: 3