Economics and Management Engineering | Book | Published 2021-09-10


Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing
Keywords: Land, land use, diversification, land use diversification, land fund, export, land tax, general scheme, investment , land planing, , agricultural land, economic conduct, effectiveness, financial function, regional economy, local budget.


The monograph is devoted to methods of achieving high efficiency in the use of land resources. The use of the land fund is based on diversification mechanisms. This monograph was created on the basis of academic experience in the following introduction, 7 topics in the main research findings, conclusions, applications, references. The purpose of the research work is to develop suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the methods of land use diversification in the district in terms of the variability of demand for land resources and the diversification of land use in the context of the diversification of land use.


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  65. 65. Mahsudov М.D. The importance of diversification of land use. Scientific Progress. 2021. Volume 2, Issue 1. 141-152 pр.
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  69. 69. Аltiev А.S., Mahsudov М.D. Improving the regulation of the diversification of land use in the territory. Geography: scientific Electronic Journal of nature and society. Volume 1, Issue 1. 64-73 Pр.
  70. 70. Mahsudov М.D. Altyaryk district module for diversification of land resources use. “Modern problems of Agriculture and water economy” a collection of materials of the XIX scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates and senior students. May 14-15, 2020. Тashkent. 407-412 Pр.
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  73. 73. Mahsudov М.D. Regulation of the diversification of land use by the general scheme. “Modern problems of Agriculture and water economy” materials of the XX scientific-practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates and senior students. Part 3. April 30, 2021. Тashkent. 35–42 Pр.
  74. 74. Mahsudov М.D. Значение диверсификации использования земельного фонда в развитии районе. Collection of the II International Research Competition Молодой экономист. May 30. 2021. Russia. 21-25 Pр.
  75. 75. Mahsudov М.D. Методика диверсификации земельного фонда через систему налогообложения. Collection of the International Research Competition Лига интеллектуалов. 2021. September 5. Russia. 23–26 pр.
















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