Economics and Management Engineering | Article | Published 2021-06-20

Financial Regulation Of Diversification Use Of Land Fund

Publisher: Abdullah Kuzu
Collection: Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry
Keywords: diversification, land fund, land distribution, land use, export, development, investment, land categories.


In this paper, the issues of meeting the demand of the population for food products and solving the employment of the population through the diversification of the use of land resources are considered. Investing in diversification of land use is one of the most important issues. This article addresses the issue of prioritizing export-oriented products in land use and land distribution. Prioritization of export products in the diversification of land use is the main support in raising the economy of developing countries. The purpose of the study is to develop suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the methods of financial regulation of land use diversification in conditions of variability in demand for land resources and diversification of land use. The subject of the study is the production, financial, organizational and economic relations that arise between the economic entities involved in the processes of utilization of land resources. Methods of the study - in the course of the study were widely used methods such as grouping, statistical and comparative analysis, logical observation and abstract thinking, constructive computation, monographic, social survey and expert evaluation. The scientific novelty of the study is that the recommendations of the authors on the direction of the regulation of the diversification of the use of the land fund give an opportunity to make effective use of the land fund. In conclusion, the concessions and preferences that are used to support investments and investment activities by the state may include the following:: transfer of state-owned objects or property rights to them to the investor at the preferential or zero acquisition value; granting privileges on taxes and fees; subsidize interest rates on loans received by the investor for the implementation of an investment project. Preferences and preferences are given depending on the: to the volume of investments; to the conditions of the place where the investment project is carried out; expected socio-economic effect and creation of new jobs; to the sectors and sectors of the implementation of the investment project. Privileges on taxes and fees are granted in the order established by law. Benefits and preferences are given to investors who intend to invest in the relevant region, depending on the level of development of the infrastructure of this territory. In order to ensure the diversification of the land use by prioritizing on exsportbop products, we propose the following; 1. Organization of “export trade center” complexes in the territory of the district (in order to assist exporters, growers in the region); 2. To give priority to agricultural lands in the selection of cultivated varieties taking into account the following characteristics of the location of the land plot: 3. In the process of restoration or placement of production facilities in the territory of the district, in the case of putting unused and state-owned objects into auction or giving them for use (on a lease), it is necessary to ensure that the business plans of the applicants give priority to the ones established for the purpose of creating export-oriented goods. With the help of the proposed methods, they will lead to the fact that land users in the region will receive additional income, more foreign currencies will be introduced into the territory, creating jobs and increasing the number oftirishga, the economic indicators of the territory will increase. From the experience of developed countries it is known that the higher the volume of exports than the volume of imports of the country, and the constant increase in this indicator leads to the development of the economy, the Prevention of the state of the purchase of natural resources in the country.


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