Medical and Health Sciences | Article | Published 2021

Modern Features of Epidemiology and Prevention of Major Eye Diseases of Infectious and Non - Infectious Etiology (Literature Review

Publisher: Andijan State Medical Institute
Collection: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Keywords: It is a common knowledge that today not only practical health services, but also modern science, are entrusted with the tasks of medical prevention. It is required to activate the preventive direction and create a scientific basis, as well as socio-medical and political-financial-comfortable environment to provide a mechanism for the development and implementation of preventive services [


It is a common knowledge that today not only practical health services, but also modern science, are entrusted with the tasks of medical prevention. It is required to activate the preventive direction and create a scientific basis, as well as socio-medical and political-financial-comfortable environment to provide a mechanism for the development and implementation of preventive services . Literacy in the prevention of socially significant diseases is a key tool in solving modern socio-demographic problems, due to the relatively high level of hard endpoints (premature mortality, irreversible blindness) and a significant level of prevalence of risk factors (RF) of chronic diseases of infectious or noninfectious etiology . This is reflected in a large number of studies devoted to the search for advanced innovative technologies for early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of these pathologies. They have the same logic: it is impossible to reduce the still high numbers of vision disability in the world "in the age of high technologies in medicine", including the introduction of modern technologies and drugs. But historically, in the 60s of the twentieth century, during the years of active work on the prevention of trachoma, carried out by all ophthalmologists of the republics of Central Asia, patients with "endpoints" of this disease became less and less every year, and soon trachoma was eliminated . The history of ophthalmology dictates the need to reform it through aspects of historical preventive ophthalmology. The merit of preventive ophthalmology in organizing the fight against social eye diseases is invaluable. Why? The fact is that many aspects of the development of major eye diseases still remain unclear. For example, in some cases, with normal intraocular pressure, the patient has a typical picture of glaucomatous optic neuropathy [4]. Often there are patients with a clinical situation when, with high values of ophthalmotonus – intraocular pressure (IOP), no changes were observed in the optic nerve head for many years. Meanwhile, every ophthalmologist believes that the only proven way to slow the progression of glaucomatous process, is the IOP reduction, according to some researchers this opinion provides the explanation for the fact of late diagnosis of glaucoma in a stage of irreversible blindness


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