Humanities and Social Sciences | Article | Published 2021
In this article, public and public administration is a complex process, and various models, forms and ways of governing its organization and management have been developed. For thousands of years, humanity has been promoting the idea of building a "progressive state" and a "perfect society." Today, for many countries with their own sovereignty, such a path has become the most desirable goal. As a result, many countries are moving towards higher development based on the formation of a democratic state and civil society based on the rule of law. It should be noted that civil society is a phenomenon that arises from the need for people to interact with each other about common goals and objectives, as well as the need to regulate these relations. Its formation and development is directly related to the activities of self-governing bodies, political parties, movements, trade unions, public associations and foundations, non-governmental non-profit organizations, independent media. Therefore, any state that has set itself the goal of forming and developing civil society will focus on strengthening the foundations of civil society and further improving the functioning of its institutions. Currently, significant work is being done in Uzbekistan to develop civil society. It should be noted that the activity of civil society institutions in all spheres of public life is growing.
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