Geological and Environmental Engineering | Collection | Published 2013
This paper presents the results obtained during implementation of the IPL-146 project “Spatial monitoring of joint influence of an atmospheric precipitation and seismic motions on formation of landslides in Uzbekistan (Central Asia)”. In studying the effect of seismic events on the time, place and mechanism of development of landslides and mud flows in Uzbekistan, special attention is given to deep Pamir-Hindu Kush earthquakes. According to the catalogue of earthquakes for the period from 1960 to 2010, 655 earthquakes withM > 4:5, with long durations (1.5–3.0 min) and low-frequency vibrations, occurred in the spring months (February–June). Comparing the dates of landslides formation and earthquakes revealed 56 possible earthquake-triggered landslide sites. The mechanism of landslides and their subsequent development after the earthquake are discussed. Post-earthquake inspection and monitoring are also valuable because earthquakes can trigger new or renewed slope instabilities.