Economics and Management Engineering | Article | Published 2021-01-30
The modern stage of development of economic relations is characterized by the intensification of foreign economic relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Of course, the process of globalization and international integration, which is accompanied by the pooling of capitals and the international merger of corporations, is an integral part of the world economic relations between states. In these conditions, globalization affects and involves subjects of different organizational and legal forms in the integration processes. Business entities, being more mobile, releasing unique products, have high chances of entering the international market. In the work, on the basis of a system analysis, some issues of enhancing the foreign economic activity of economic entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan are considered. It is proved that the mechanism of management in the field of foreign economic relations should be formed on the basis of an innovative approach. The author proposes a number of measures to further expand the country's foreign economic relations in the context of global economic integration.