Economics and Management Engineering | Article | Published 2020
This article explores the role of clusters in enhancing European tourism potential. The importance of cluster communications between enterprises and organizations in providing tourism services is highlighted. The aim of the study is the purpose of public government programs such as Europa InterCluster, The European Petrochemical Association, EPCA and PANAC: Exploring the essence of the European cluster system through extensive study of the Pannon Automotive Cluster operating principles. As a result of the research, the following results were achieved: Regional strategies focus on a new generation of smart strategies. They are determined by the following characteristics: a) smart growth based on knowledge and innovation, b) sustainable growth based on resource conservation, ecology and a competitive economy, c) innovative growth that promotes high employment and economic, social and territorial alignment. In general, state support for innovation at the regional level is carried out in three areas: 1) innovation policy aimed at stimulating innovation (in the field of competition, trade policy); 2) policies aimed at adapting to changes (human capital development and innovation policy as a whole); 3) support policy (social and regional policy with the objectives of redistribution).
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