Educational and Pedagogical Sciences | Article | Published 2021-12-30

The effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the teaching of general engineering in higher education in Uzbekistan


Bazar Ulugov

Publisher: Open Journal of Science and Technology
Collection: Open Journal of Science and Technology
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Education, Compass 3D, AutoCAD, Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics, Pedagogical and Information Technology


This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search process and selection of papers, the analysis of the paper, and the results of the systematic review to answer the questions posed. In the systematic review, 316 papers were found in three academic databases and 75 relevant papers were selected. The work developed intends to know the different models and methodologies that integrate ICT and education. The article describes the solution of problems on the subject "Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics" using computer programs and the role of pedagogical information technologies in the process of teaching students in higher educational institutions. Peculiarities of teaching descriptive geometry and engineering graphics as part of the course of engineering graphics aimed at the mastering of AutoCAD and Compass graphic editor's are considered by the authors. The authors recommend the incorporation of mini-lectures and computer workshops into the training process.


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