Geological and Environmental Engineering | Article | Published 2020
The article shows that application of the parallel-close charges cause distance substantial growth between separate bunches of holes, in concrete mountain-geological conditions. The method of detonation of the parallel-close charges is effective only at certain diameters of holes. Crushing of rocks is carried out mainly by three phases of development of explosion: camouflage, wave and quasistatic. Quasistatic action of explosion is meant as processes which develop in a massif at a stage secondary, after wave expansion of a gas cavity. In article the description of the offered model of a shape of a cavity and a zone of quasistatic action of explosion in the top part of a blasthole charge is given. The received mathematical dependences for determination of volumes and parameters are given in an area of coverage of spherical part of a quasistatic phase of explosion. By the developed technique, with use of the developed computer program, parameters of process and fineness of crushing of rock by a quasistatic phase of explosion, in the top part of a ledge are calculated. Results of demonstration calculation of distribution of energy of destruction and fineness of crushing of rock on conditionally allocated settlement volumes are given.Dependences of optimum distance between holes from their effective diameter, density and speed of a detonation of industrial explosives, durabilities of rocks to crush, relations of acoustics rigidity industrial explosives and blown up rocks are received.