Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | Article | Published 2020

Development of technological schemes for open-pit mining of deposits using “mobile crushing-reloading-conveyor complexes”

Publisher: E3S Web of Conferences 201
Collection: E3S Web of Conferences 201
Keywords: open-pit mining, mobile equipment, mobile crushing plants, mobile interstage conveyor reloader, mobile downhole conveyor


This article analyses the use of cyclic-flow technology schemes with mobile crushing and reloading complexes in open cast mining. An analysis of the application of cyclic-flow technology schemes with mobile crushing and reloading complexes in open cast mining shows that the main directions of its radical improvement are the development, creation and implementation of fundamentally new mining transport equipment and technological schemes for its quarries, which include: “mobile excavators crushing and transhipment plants and conveyor systems". Technological schemes for the development of rocks with an end arrangement of mobile complexes using a single bucket excavator and conveyor transport, with an end arrangement of mobile complexes and an increased width of the working platform during conveyor transport, with an end arrangement of mobile complexes and the presence of a mobile interstage loading crane with sequential mining at three horizons, a methodology has been developed for determining the working time and annual productivity of mobile crushing and handling conveyor complexes and a new technological scheme for the development of overburden ledges using mobile crushing and handling conveyor complexes. To reduce the time for idling the complex and reduce the number of exit ledges, a new technological scheme for the development of overburden ledges with the use of mobile complexes is recommended. As a result of the calculations according to the developed method, when working out two benches with different block lengths, the dependence of the annual productivity of the complex on the block length was established.


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