Transport and Vehicle Engineering | Article | Published 2021
Various methods can be used to obtain the most reliable results in optimizing the parameters that directly affect the acceleration of the local wagon-flows at railway sites. First of all, to use these methods, it is necessary to create a multidimensional criterion for evaluating the parameters. Assessment criteria include overtime of trains at intermediate stations, excessive costs associated with the delivery of wagons, irrationality of the geographical location of freight facilities at intermediate stations, variability of hauling and carrying capacity of hauls, processing of trains at technical stations and their time of departure. Trains can take the level of execution of the movement schedule and so on. To optimally solve multidimensional assessment criteria, it is first necessary to find the best target function, which considers the opposite characteristics of all assessment criteria, "contributes" to the final result of each assessment criteria and simultaneously expressed in different units. It should be able to compare. This paper provides a systematic solution to the above issues based on the assessment criteria.