Educational and Pedagogical Sciences | Article | Published 2019-09-09
Needs analysis aims to present learners’ wants, needs and lacks prior to organizing a course. According to Burksaitiene (2008) needs analysis is the key to collect insider’s view of the ESP situation (p.330) and the views of chosen learners are of utmost importance. Dudley –Evans (2001) also stated that the main aim of the ESP course is to meet the explicit needs of the learners. It is deemed as a learner-centered approach that develops learners’ language capacity to be successful on their job sphere or academic needs. A needs analysis is an essential and primary stage which helps to identify the learners’ needs, desires and prerequisites. Furthermore, it identifies their language background, preferences in a bid to design successful and effective course. Indeed, we intended to carry out this needs analysis in the realm of law. The data will be gathered via questionnaire. Analyzing the data, the main objectives of this course will be set in order to achieve the viable outcomes.
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